Lifestyle Center

The medical staff provides scientific evidence-based lifestyle intervention which involves education in right principles and employs the rational use of simple natural remedies that prevents, reverses, and treat the following common killer diseases: cancer diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and respiratory diseases, and allergies. Such diseases are now so prevalent worldwide. This education makes natural law plain and urges obedience to it.

Lifestyle and Health Education Centers are specialized institutions from their inception. They are designed to address three important and distinct features. Medically, they are places where a primary emphasis is placed on prevention and reversal using mental/emotional hygiene, physical medicine, and nutritional/diet therapy. Educationally, they are places where an earnest endeavor is made to cure the immediate malady, as well as instruct the patient in basic principles of health which can be carried home, and if possible to generate in the mind an enthusiasm to carry out these principles in future living. Spiritually/Inspirationally, they are places where these health principles are presented in a faith-based setting, with the hope of furnishing the patient/guest with an incentive to live in harmony with physical laws and find release from the tensions of life in a fellowship with the Almighty. The unique distinctions of the Health Education and Lifestyle Center give it a special ministry.

We are pleased to say that our mission and vision has expanded to address the needs in all of society.